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News: World-Renowned Fabric Nightclub In Danger Of Closure Over Drug-Related Deaths

News: World-Renowned Fabric Nightclub In Danger Of Closure Over Drug-Related Deaths

Written by Kevin Madert

London’s decade-plus nightlife gem Fabric – the club twice voted best in the world by DJ Magazine – is facing the potential of closing its doors over four drug-related deaths, including two in the last three months. Via The Independent:

“The Metropolitan police has filed papers detailing the “unacceptable number of deaths and near death incidents at the venue.” Police Constable Steven Harrington stated in the papers that “in the last three years, there have been eight incidents of patrons collapsing at the venue having taken illegal substances/drugs,” including MDMA. “Four of these incidents resulted in the near death of the victims and four have resulted, unfortunately, in the death of the victims,” he wrote.

Police are pushing for the club’s license to be revoked, a decision which will be made at Thursday evening’s Licensing Committee meeting held by the local Islington council. Meanwhile, both patrons and musicians have taken to social media to speak up for a club they argue – and we agree – is an integral part of the London nightlife scene.

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A petition to renew the club’s license has garnered over 10,000 signatures in just a few hours. You can do your part to help save Fabric by signing it here.

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